Our Mission

At Appian, our mission is to improve the lives of the world’s most vulnerable through water access using education, hands on technical assistance, investment and partnerships. Appian Water works to improve water quality, sanitation, nutrition, hygiene and health standards to support the provision of sustained and reliable access to water.

Why Appian?

Appian was the name of the first aqueduct in ancient Rome. It is believed, that due to the steady supply of water it provided, the Roman Empire began and flourished. At Appian, we believe by investing in both human and physical capital to improve water access for people in the most remote pockets of our world will allow them to flourish, too.

All photography provided by Megan Nicholas-Harper

All photography provided by Megan Nicholas-Harper

What Partnership can Achieve

  • Two store front water retailers.

  • Access to affordable potable water for nearly 10,000 people.

  • Traveled to 7 islands and 56 villages to test water quality.

  • Trained and built eight village water districts.

  • Provided technical assistance, training and consulting to nearly 20 villages.

  • Provided free drinking water to 10 schools.

  • Provided water access and technical advisory to six communal farms.

  • Created 25 water utility jobs.

  • Created nearly 60 agrarian jobs.

  • Provided initial investment for all projects.

  • Provide quarterly technical assistance.


Nemberala, Rote

Inside hosts a reverse osmosis and ultra violet light water treatment facility, which purifies and sterilizes both ground and saline water. This storefront was funded by Appian Water and Friends of East Indonesia. Jobs have been created through sales and transportation of water, and nearly 10,0000 are served with clean potable water.