Our Strategy

Our Goal

To support the provision of sustained and reliable access to water for remote and vulnerable populations to improve community health, hygiene, and sanitation, promote gender equity, sustainable farming practices and agroforestry.

A Trifecta Approach

First, we identify need and work with local officials to do this. Once a community has been identified, it is pivotal that the community requests our services and to partner with us. This starts with the head of the village, and their respective teams to apply for Appian’s support. Once this step has been taken, we conduct a feasibility study with our team of experts. Where we ensure our approach will work in the region. From there, when a community has been selected to work with, we conduct a extensive baseline assessment to understand the starting point of public and economic health.

Second, we act as intermediaries to help connect communities to capital. This is done through the international development community, private donors, corporate sponsorship, as well as through regional and federal government agencies.

Third, we bring in teams of experts to create holistic programs. We contract locals to build and develop infrastructure, while training community selected teams. Public health experts are brought in to establish baseline readings, as well as quarterly improvements. We work with the communities to train a selected team to further educate and support hygiene and sanitation education practices. Strong KPIs are established and tracked from initiation of the programs. Water scientist are used to assess quality, quantity, monitoring, and sustainability of the resource. While agricultural experts are also used to establish good farming and composting practices, as well as to create opportunities for agroforestry.

Targeted Areas

Phase I

East Indonesia, mainly the NTT region

Phase III

Expand to other SEA regions like Myanmar

Phase II

Bali, Java & Sumatra

Phase IV

Bring our expertise to Indo-Pacific

In a time of covid

With a global pandemic, the importance of hygiene and sanitation has once again proven to be one of the most basic and necessary means to public health.

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 2- Zero Hunger

Goal 5 - Gender Equality

Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth